Saturday, February 26, 2022

A Burden to Hero

Identifying, analyzing, and controlling risk is the most crucial and difficult job in an organization. With this, the role of a project risk manager is a hard job, for the success or failure of the company depends also on the success and failure of the team.

In a team, there will always be problems with members who are not into the project and do not value their work and the effort of the team. This should not be tolerated by a project manager who puts his full effort and even the hardworking members for the success of the risk management team.

Some members may disregard the team or give less attention to the project but project managers should take a step in solving these problems and encourage their members to work with the team. Managers can take a step by talking personally to the member, listening to his concerns, and helping whatever the manager can offer. Another by training or giving brief seminars and information, looking back to the purpose of the team as project risk team are a key for the success of the company. And most importantly, the office is open for everyone, having a team-building and enough benefits to employees.

In project risk management, we cannot foresee the future, so it is better for us to be prepared. If one fails, the whole organization will also fail. Give attention to the person who does not have an interest maybe in the long run he will be the one to solve and may have a huge help for the team and a hero for the company.

Advantages and Issues in Outsourcing of IT Security

Outsourcing is a trend in some companies today and became highly recommended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But first, let’s define outsourcing.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company contracts with another organization to provide services.


Advantages of outsourcing of IT security

        1. To cut or reduce company expenses
    2. To have access to a global talent pool or wide source of partners
    3. To upgrade the organizations capabilities and services
    4. To improve the organizations focus on its core areas or priorities

Companies gain many benefits from outsourcing as stated above, but these benefits come with some issues. These include quality problems, loss of control, and potential data and security breaches.

Issues in IT Outsourcing and How to Address them

1. Quality Problems. These are commonly occurring when having a third-party business.

  • How to Manage this Issue

       To help minimize this risk, a detailed product specification of outsourcing partner should be prepared, quality control specification, and checking regularly of the final product.

2. Loss of Control. The biggest risk of outsourcing is the lack of control over outsourcing partners.

  • How to Manage this Issue

     Before hiring an outsourcing company, identify first, and secure that hired partner is trusted.

3.  Data Security and Integrity Issues. Another issue is concern over maintaining data security and integrity to safeguard against data security lapses.

  •  How to Manage this Issue

    Preparing of Service Level Agreement and Non-disclosure agreement of parties for the protection of the organization in case of a future security breach.

Based on the above advantages and issues it is the choice of the company to take a risk to outsource their IT security. What to consider is the success of the company together with a healthy and happy working environment for the workers.

Resources: Top 10 Risks of Outsourcing (and How to Manage Them). Retrieved 25 February 2022 from, (2019). Outsourcing. Retrieved 25 February 2022 from

Reynolds, G.W. (2010). Information Technology for Managers. Cengage Learning.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

“I.T. connects people”

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. Most of us loves traveling, but in this pandemic, we are limited to doing so. Despite the situation, let me explore you, not about happy places we used to travel but on exploring that information technology connects us, people.

Information Technology or I.T. refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. These technologies helped many businesses, organizations, and especially people to make our lives easier and faster in a short period of time.

The internet is the one that connects computers and people around the world, bringing everyone closer even they are continents away. 

 Information technology introduced us the online learning for students and teachers and the web seminar or known as webinars for business organizations.

Connecting to our loved ones is very important, whenever we are, information technology handles this for us. Technology evolves offering us websites, apps, and entertainment, these help us know what is happening in the world. Online communication platforms are widely used nowadays. Below is a study by KEPIOS showing the world’s most-used social platforms:

In this modern world, full of technologies, connecting people around the world is fun but let us not forget how happier we are when touching our loved ones in flesh and interacting face to face.

For more interesting information about technology and how it changes people's lives, I leave a link for you to watch. Enjoy!


Resources: The Computer Dictionary. (2006). Retrieved 19 February 2022, from

Video Engager. (2020). Retrieved 19 February 2022 from

Scooter Media Co. (2020). Retrieved 19 February 2022 from

YouCurious? How Has The Internet Changed Our Lives? (2020). Retrieved 19 February 2022 from


Knowledge Management In An Ever-Changing World

“Knowledge is power." “Work smart”, as illustrated in the picture, working intelligently makes things easier. Wars in history were no...